Public Key Cryptography
RSA 方法概述
现在Alice想要和Bob发送消息,设\(p\)和\(q\)是两个大素数(在密码学中,指几百位数甚至上千位数的素数,人们常用512、1024甚至2048位的素数),并定义\(N=pq\),我们将发送给Bob的消息视为在模\(N\)下的数字(除0,1);另外,设\(e\)是相对素数为\((p-1)(q-1)\)的任何数(通常选择较小的值以提高加密速度),那么Bob的公匙为一对数字\((N,e)\),而Bob的私匙是\(d\),它需要满足条件\(ed \pmod{(p-1)(q-1)} ≡ 1\)。
假设Alice想要向Bob发送消息\(x\),\(x\)为整数且\(\pmod{N}\),那么她计算\(E(x) ≡ x^e \pmod{N}\)并发送;
Bob收到后,计算\(D(y)≡y^d \pmod{N}\),还原出原始消息\(x\)。
Theorem 7.1: Under the above definitions of the encryption and decryption functions \(E\) and \(D\), we have \(D(E(x)) ≡ x \pmod{N}\) for every possible message \(x ∈ \{0, 1, . . . , N − 1\} \).
Theorem 7.2: [Fermat’s Little Theorem] For any prime \(p\) and any \(a ∈ \{1, 2, . . . , p−1\}\), we have \(a^{p−1} ≡ 1 \pmod{p}\).
Theorem 7.3: [Prime Number Theorem] Let \( \pi(n) \) denote the number of primes that are less than or equal to \( n \). Then for all \( n \geq 17 \), we have \[ \pi(n) \geq \frac{n}{\ln n}. \]