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Build-Up Error?

  • What is wrong with the following “proof”? In addition to finding a counterexample, you should explain what is fundamentally wrong with this approach, and why it demonstrates the danger of build-up error.
  • False Claim: If every vertex in an undirected graph has degree at least 1, then the graph is connected.
  • 错误声明:如果无向图中每个顶点的度数至少为 1,那么该图是连通的。

  • Proof
    Base case: There is only one graph with a single vertex and it has degree 0. Therefore, the base case is vacuously true, since the if-part is false.
    Inductive hypothesis: Assume the claim is true for some \(n ≥ 1\).
    Inductive step: We prove the claim is also true for \(n+1\). Consider an undirected graph on \(n\) vertices in which every vertex has degree at least 1. By the inductive hypothesis, this graph is connected. Now add one more vertex x to obtain a graph on \((n + 1)\) vertices.
    All that remains is to check that there is a path from \(x\) to every other vertex \(z\). Since x has degree at least 1, there is an edge from \(x\) to some other vertex; call it \(y\). Thus, we can obtain a path from \(x\) to \(z\) by adjoining the edge \({x, y}\) to the path from \(y\) to \(z\). This proves the claim for \(n + 1\).

避免意外积累误差的一种方法是在归纳步骤中使用"shrink down,grow back"过程,从\(n+1\)的图开始,删除一个顶点,然后将归纳假设用于较小的图,再加回顶点并证明\(P(n+1)\)成立。

Proofs in Graphs

  • Consider a connected graph G with n vertices which has exactly 2m vertices of odd degree, where m > 0. Prove that there are m walks that together cover all the edges of G (i.e., each edge of G occurs in exactly one of the m walks, and each of the walks should not contain any particular edge more than once).
  • 考虑一个有 n 个顶点的图 G,它包含 2m 个奇数顶点,证明有 m 条 walk 路径共同覆盖了图 G 的所有边。

我们将\(2m\)个奇数度顶点分为两组,在每一组两两配对的顶点之间添加一条边,则现在所有顶点都是偶数度顶点,根据先前证明的定理,具有Eulerian tour,现在删去添加的边,得到的就是覆盖G所有边的walk的集合

  • Prove that any graph G is bipartite if and only if it has no tours of odd length.
  • 证明当且仅当图 G 没有奇数长度的 tour 时,G 是二分的。


\( R = \{ u \mid \text{the shortest path from } u \text{ to } v \text{ is even} \} \)
\( L = \{ u \mid \text{the shortest path from } u \text{ to } v \text{ is odd} \} \)

我们假设有顶点\(u1, u2 ∈ L\)是相邻的,那么\(tour:从v到u1,u1到u2,u2到v\)均为奇数长度,故tour为奇数长度,与假设矛盾,故\(L\)中没有相邻的顶点;
